Fundraising /

Leave a gift in your Will

Gifts in Will have always been an important funding source for us and, typically, represent a third of our income. By supporting us in this way, you can help to ensure that future essential research can be funded.

The research we fund relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters. Any gift, no matter how big or small will help to achieve a vision of a world where everyone with a neurological condition lives better, longer.

Free Will making guide

Our helpful guide to making a will also explains how you can include a gift to Brain Research UK.

Download your free guide (PDF)

Special Will making offers

We have partnered with two Will writing service providers so you can make a simple first Will, or update a current Will, without having to worry about expensive costs.

Details of will-writing offers

How your gift will help

Since 1971, we have funded wide-ranging research into many different neurological conditions, and provided support for capital projects and infrastructure costs. We have invested over £54 million in projects, people and infrastructure to help advance understanding of neurological conditions… to help people live better, longer.

We enable scientific and medical advances to improve the lives of those living with neurological conditions, extend survival in diseases that reduce life-expectancy and, ultimately, to cure and even prevent these conditions.

By leaving a gift in your Will, you can help to ensure future funding of this vital, life-changing, life-saving research.